Daniel: An Expositional Commentary
16 Episodes
Daniel had the most incredible career imaginable; he was transported as a teenage captive to a pagan empire and became the primary confidante to the ruler of Babylon. When Babylonia was taken over by its enemies, he rose to the second or third position in the Persian Empire. There are only two people in the Bible other than Jesus Christ of which no evil is spoken, Joseph and Daniel.
The book of Daniel is in two halves: the first six chapters are historical, which deal with the adventures and career of this remarkable man. The second six chapters are some of the most pivotal and important prophecies of the entire Bible. Without a clear understanding of the book of Daniel you will not understand the times in which we live.
Handbook is available from our store and contains supplemental notes for this study.
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27 - E01 - Daniel: An Expositional Commentary
Episode 1
Introduction to the book: background, authentication, etc.
The Book of Daniel contains the most amazing prophecies of the Bible, and is one of the most authenticated books of the Old Testament. The numerous detailed prophecies of the period of Gentile dominion make this one of the most important...
27 - E02 - Daniel: An Expositional Commentary
Episode 2
Daniel and his three friends avoid the death penalty and get promoted.
The Book of Daniel contains the most amazing prophecies of the Bible, and is one of the most authenticated books of the Old Testament. The numerous detailed prophecies of the period of Gentile dominion make this one of the mo...
27 - E03 - Daniel: An Expositional Commentary
Episode 3
Nebuchadnezzar’s ego trip; the worship of his image; the fiery furnace.
The Book of Daniel contains the most amazing prophecies of the Bible, and is one of the most authenticated books of the Old Testament. The numerous detailed prophecies of the period of Gentile dominion make this one of the m...
27 - E04 - Daniel: An Expositional Commentary
Episode 4
The only chapter in the Bible written by a Gentile King; published throughout the known world.
The Book of Daniel contains the most amazing prophecies of the Bible, and is one of the most authenticated books of the Old Testament. The numerous detailed prophecies of the period of Gentile dominion...
27 - E05 - Daniel: An Expositional Commentary
Episode 5
The “handwriting on the wall” and the fall of Babylon to the Persians.
The Book of Daniel contains the most amazing prophecies of the Bible, and is one of the most authenticated books of the Old Testament. The numerous detailed prophecies of the period of Gentile dominion make this one of the mo...
27 - E06 - Daniel: An Expositional Commentary
Episode 6
A supplemental study on the Destruction of Babylon spoken of by the prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah and detailed in Revelation.
The Book of Daniel contains the most amazing prophecies of the Bible, and is one of the most authenticated books of the Old Testament. The numerous detailed prophecies of ...
27 - E07 - Daniel: An Expositional Commentary
Episode 7
How Daniel avoided the “mark of the beast.”
The Book of Daniel contains the most amazing prophecies of the Bible, and is one of the most authenticated books of the Old Testament. The numerous detailed prophecies of the period of Gentile dominion make this one of the most important foundational s...
27 - E08 - Daniel: An Expositional Commentary
Episode 8
The four empires, which climax Gentile dominion on the Earth.
The Book of Daniel contains the most amazing prophecies of the Bible, and is one of the most authenticated books of the Old Testament. The numerous detailed prophecies of the period of Gentile dominion make this one of the most import...
27 - E09 - Daniel: An Expositional Commentary
Episode 9
The succession of the Persian and Greek Empires and the rise of Alexander the Great.
The Book of Daniel contains the most amazing prophecies of the Bible, and is one of the most authenticated books of the Old Testament. The numerous detailed prophecies of the period of Gentile dominion make this...
27 - E10 - Daniel: An Expositional Commentary
Episode 10
The Angel Gabriel predicts the precise day on which Jesus presented Himself as the “Meshiach Nagid” (The Messiah the King).
The Book of Daniel contains the most amazing prophecies of the Bible, and is one of the most authenticated books of the Old Testament. The numerous detailed prophecies of t...
27 - E11 - Daniel: An Expositional Commentary
Episode 11
The mysterious interval between the 69th and 70th “weeks” of Daniel and the final seven years of world history.
The Book of Daniel contains the most amazing prophecies of the Bible, and is one of the most authenticated books of the Old Testament. The numerous detailed prophecies of the period of...
27 - E12 - Daniel: An Expositional Commentary
Episode 12
A spooky glimpse of the spiritual warfare that lies behind world events.
The Book of Daniel contains the most amazing prophecies of the Bible, and is one of the most authenticated books of the Old Testament. The numerous detailed prophecies of the period of Gentile dominion make this one of the ...
27 - E13 - Daniel: An Expositional Commentary
Episode 13
he amazing prediction of the conflicts between the Ptolemaic and Seleucid Empires and the emergence of the final World Leader.
The Book of Daniel contains the most amazing prophecies of the Bible, and is one of the most authenticated books of the Old Testament. The numerous detailed prophecies o...
27 - E14 - Daniel: An Expositional Commentary
Episode 14
The climax of all history.
The Book of Daniel contains the most amazing prophecies of the Bible, and is one of the most authenticated books of the Old Testament. The numerous detailed prophecies of the period of Gentile dominion make this one of the most important foundational studies for anyone...
27 - E15 - Daniel: An Expositional Commentary
Episode 15
The history of Europe and the European Union.
The Book of Daniel contains the most amazing prophecies of the Bible, and is one of the most authenticated books of the Old Testament. The numerous detailed prophecies of the period of Gentile dominion make this one of the most important foundational...
27 - E16 - Daniel: An Expositional Commentary
Episode 16
Present and future of the European Union.
The Book of Daniel contains the most amazing prophecies of the Bible, and is one of the most authenticated books of the Old Testament. The numerous detailed prophecies of the period of Gentile dominion make this one of the most important foundational stu...